Thomas -
Do you have a BN1 or BN2?
For the sixes, you only need to drill the rubber gasket.
On 3/29/12, Thomas Willig <twillig at> wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> ...and then? How did you attach the lamp/rubber unit to the reflector pod?
> assume that you had to drill a 3/4" hole into the pods as well?
> Best regards
> Thomas Willig
> -----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Alan Seigrist [mailto:healey.nut at]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 29. Mdrz 2012 05:21
> An: Derek Job
> Cc: Forum
> Betreff: Re: [Healeys] Reflectors converted to Indicators
> Derek -
> I made them using high brightness LEDs. You can see the picture of how
> it's set up here:
> I got the lights from here:
> Be sure to use a bulb that has an aluminum cylinder around it so that the
> rubber reflector gasket can hold it in place. I drilled out the holes
> using a diamond tipped hole saw which should be pretty cheap to get at your
> local hardware store. These hole saw bits are used for drilling holes in
> granite and ceramic tile. they make very nice clean holes.... but it's a
> bit fiddly to work with but you can get it. of course in retrospect
> probably just whacking the drill bit into the rubber with a hammer probably
> would have worked better.
> The good thing with these LEDs is you can hook them straight into the light
> circuit on the Lucas tail lamp, they draw hardly any power.
> Best,
> Alan
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 11:37 PM, Derek Job <derek.c.job at> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Can someone direct me to any articles which detail the adaptation of the
>> reflectors to indicators (not brake lights). I seem to remember this from
>> about 5 or 6 years ago and it usues the existing reflector housing with a
>> hole cut in the rubber back.
>> Several firms now sell indicators for the reflector pods but at AH Spares
>> for instance they cost 55 pounds each side, which is about 3 or 4 times
>> the
>> cost of a normal indicator!
>> cheers
>> Derek
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