When my BJ8 is heat-soaked--e.g. on startup after a long, hard run then a brief
shutdown--I get the same symptoms. I attribute this to vapor lock, possibly due
to newer gas formulations. After a couple miles when the coolant temp comes
down the engine smooths out. For now, I just live with it. When I rebuild the
engine I'll probably get the manifold and downpipes coated (the downpipes are
wrapped now).
On a side note, most fuel-injected aircraft engines require a fuel system purge
when starting a heat-soaked engine. This involves running the aux electric fuel
pump for a minute or more before starting to remove vapor in the fuel system.
Possibly, your symptoms go away when the backup pump contributes enough
pressure to purge bubbles in the system.
Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA
----- Original Message -----
Recently have developed what I feel is a fuel starvation problem on the Bj8.
Happens very seldom.
there is no filter inside the tank---removed years ago
I have replaced the in-line fuel filter that I installed after removing the
sock filter inside the tank.
the pump points were pretty worn, and I have filed the inside ones down and
added a new "outside: "flexible" one with fresh points on that side.
I have a back-up pump in the line
System has worked flawlessly for 12 years.
Starvation appears when outside temp is high and car temp is high.
when I say starvation, I mean it starts to skip and miss---does it for maybe 10
sec and clears up and car runs very smoothly.
all lines are in good condition and there are no leaks from the fuel bowl or
fuel cap appears to be non-vented but I have used this cap for years with no
problems at all.
I'm open to any advice and/or suggestions.