Hi Tom,
The biggest issue is that the pickup is at the front of the tank. Most Healeys
(esp with saggy rear springs) will "run out of fuel" with 4 or more liters or
so still in the back of the tank, away from the pickup.
When the car is all together, see if your tank is actually level when it's
full. Use a spirit level on top of the tank. Bet it slopes backwards... Not
forwards towards the pickup....
I used some black building foam to pack up the back of the tank about 1/4 in
or so. And I can still fit a 6 inch minilite spare in the boot. Not in the
concours correct location, but with a 70 litre alloy tank, and a 6 in spare
in the boot - I'm happy.
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On 16/03/2012, at 12:49 AM, "Thomas J. Morrione" <tjmorrio at colby.edu> wrote:
> Hi again folks. I'm putting in the gas tank and wonder whether it is
> advisable to put some sort of mat (one that doesn't hold moisture and is
> thin enough so as not to have to reset the strap attach points on the rear
> wall) under it in addition to the large rectangular foam gasket that Moss
> sells for the hole where the drain is. I know the idea is that no water
> should be able to get into the boot and the tank will be strapped tight to
> the floor; but it seems that some chafing is inevitable without a cushion
> some sort in between. Necessary? Recommended, or not?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tom
> 65 BJ8