We stock both the rear springs for the Healeys. We get both from
England and have no problem with fit of hight..
David Nock
British Car Specialists
Stockton Ca 95205
On Mar 13, 2012, at 11:51 AM, andy pole wrote:
> Randy,
> The shipping may make them expensive, but I have been told that
> most springs
> come from the same source, except Dennis Welch springs who have them
> especially made for all models and are much better, hence I got
> front and back
> for my bj8 from them.
> Andy
>> From: rdickson at midwestarchaeology.com
>> To: healeys at autox.team.net
>> Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 13:23:15 -0500
>> Subject: [Healeys] Rear Springs on BJ7
>> Fellow Healeyoids, My 1963 BJ7 has a saggy ass. The rear end
>> looks like
> an
>> old Labrador retriever with hip dysplasia. I want to lift up the
>> rear
>> springs but I have heard that the new replacement springs are
>> cheap and not
>> as good. Question: can't I get a new piece of spring steel and
>> stick in
> in
>> with the existing spring leaves? Would one or two be better?
>> What is the
>> most cost effective way to remedy this saggy ass syndrome? My
>> front springs
>> are original and I have rebuilt shocks on the front but not the rear.
>> Thanks!
>> Randy Dickson-Healey Archaeologist
>> frustrated in NE Wisconsin.
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