Mark - a wonderful idea.
I've always felt that we are not so much owners of these great cars, but
caretakers. As we age, we start to consider what will happen to them when
the time comes - not necessarily a grim thought, but a realistic one. This
ties nicely with your thoughts because there is no question that this list
has become part of the 'caretaking' experience for many of us - possibly the
best single resource if you own one of these cars.
Sadly, I have a couple of candidates for such a page - depending - 2 Healey
buddies here who have passed away recently. One was a 'lurker' who would
post to this list occasionally, the other who never did participate, it
simply wasn't his thing. I am now involved in the disposition of the cars,
parts, tools, etc, not always an easy thing, but not so bad because the
memories are so good.
We really do appreciate the time and effort that you spend on this and the
other lists, as well as your thoughts, like this one, of where to take them.
For me, I can't imagine what Healey ownership would have been like for the
last 15 years or so, without the existence of this list.
Earl Kagna
Victoria, B.C.
BJ8, BT7 tri-carb
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark J Bradakis
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 11:35 PM
To: healeys at
Subject: [Healeys] Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Team.Net has been around a while. People join, people leave,
an ebb and flow of enthusiasts over the years. Some leave a
mark that will not be soon forgotten.
Steve Laifman passed away, a stalwart on the Tigers list. We
had Fred Thomas on Triumphs, Frank on Spridgets. Uncle Jack
was a stalwart on the vintage racing scene with his immaculately
prepared Triumphs. As I've mentioned before one of my least
favorite tasks is removing someone from the lists as they depart.
I want to add them back. I want to keep them alive in our hearts,
in our minds, in our web browsers. We, as a community of kindred
spirits need to show our respect, admiration and appreciation.
Team.Net is currently in a bit of disarray as I work on updating,
upgrading and unfortunetly upending various services. In the midst of
this cloud of digital dust a new project comes to mind - a memorial
page. A place to gather stories, pictures, quips and quotes about
those who have touched us all.
Stay tuned, there will be requests for stuff to fill these soon to be
created web pages.