...and Ayrton Senna in 1994.
I was actually thinking of the movie "Senna"
when seeing this excellent documentary.
You can see Ayrton's frustration and
nervousness building when the Williamscar was not performing after the
electronic stability systems and so on were banned.
Even if you're not into
racing the documentary Senna is a fantastic movie (available on netflix
streaming). A perfect companion for Grand Prix - The Killer Years.
From: Steve B. Gerow
<steveg at abrazosdata.com>
To: "healeys at autox.team.net" <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2012 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Grand Prix - The
Killer Years
Good news - no Formula 1 driver has suffered a fatal accident
since 1994! I had no idea the record was that good.
The below article has the
stats. Quite a few fatalities from the Fifties were at the Indy 500 which was
the US F1
race until 1959 as I recall.
drivers died in the 1950s; fourteen in the 1960s; twelve in the 1970s; four in
the 1980s and two in the
1990s. No driver has suffered a fatal accident since
1994, making this the longest period in F1 history without a
driver fatality.
Drivers from the United Kingdom have suffered the most fatal accidents, 12 in
all, the most recent
being Tom Pryce in 1977. Only two Formula One Champions
have died while racing or practicing in Formula One,
Jochen Rindt in 1970,
and Ayrton Senna in 1994.
Steve Gerow
Altadena, CA
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