That tiny light bulb which isn't on all that often heats the green plastic
parts and they melt slightly inside the metal bulb socket holder. Not to many
choices regarding removal. I have heated the plastic with some success. Mostly
I have broken something....:(
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Johnson <bjsbj8 at>
To: Healeys <healeys at>
Sent: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 5:09 pm
Subject: [Healeys] BJ8 turn signal indicator light removal
In just 3 1/2 hours I have gotten the two walnut dash pieces out in
reparation for refinish. Everything is fine except I cannot remove the
ndicator lights from the dash. I think if I twist hard enough the green
lastic that appears to have been spread slightly will give and I can
imply finish by inscrewing them. OTOH, I'm concerned that I could also
reak the plastic or damage the metal cover pieces that the plastic arrows
rotrude through. Anyone been down this path? How'd you do it?
Bob Johnson