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Re: [Healeys] BN1M

To: Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] BN1M
From: "Mr. Bill" <bn1@pacbell.net>
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 16:03:20 -0700
Now is everyone afraid to say anything?

I will now take care of what started all this off List.

Red Car :-)
(Thank you, Joe.)

Oudesluys wrote:
> Oh dear, oh dear I totally missed that, I was serious.
> Kees Oudesluijs
> robertduquette@sympatico.ca schreef:
>> Didn't offend me.
>> And, I see what you mean about it being not being lined up.  But, you do
>> undertsand that it was a joke?  I have a strange sense of humour, I 
>> suppose.
>> I wasn't so sure that you weren't kidding me also!  :)
>> RD
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