It's very strange to see how those Healey and Jaguar lists are close.
I belong to this one as well as to the XK, E-Type (XKE), and saloons
lists. Dicussions are the same and the people are very close and I know
I'm not the only one to be on both these Healey and Jag lists.
Healey 3000 MkI
Jaguar E-Type S1 FHC
Jaguar XK120 FHC
Jaguar XJ6 S1
Bentley S1
Ray Carbone a icrit :
> Gentleman,
> The documents referenced regarding the questioned mixture adjustment approach
>are from The Jag-Lovers Web titled SU Carb Adjusting 2.0 by Charles Bishop and
>an article by published a while back by Roger Seitz. Both articles cam to my
>attention only in the last couple of weeks as a result of attending
>demonstration of a very inexpensive shaft rebush of HD6 carbs (see list
>posting). Hope this helps.
> All the best,
> Ray Carbone
> 64 BJ8 Phase 1
> _
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