>Which one is the DMH Award? The Roadrunner Club from NM won an award
highest percentage participation (3 of their 5 members were
there, or
something like that), and the AH Association of SoCal won
one for sheer
The DMH Award recognizes the club with the highest level of
at a Conclave. Points are awarded for every event that a club
member participates, gynmkhana, rally, funkhana, RC races, Arts & Crafts, etc.
Additioanl points are awarded for entries that recive awards (1st, 2nd, etc).
It usually takes a larger club with active members (at Conclave) to win this
beautiful traveling trophy.
The award for the club with the highest percentage
iof members present at Conclave is usually awarded to a smaller club that can
get a high percentage with fewer numbers. This award is named the Edie
Anderson Award for the clubs long time Membership VP.
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