There is a leak in the top sealant around the post, allowing the vapor to
come up around the terminal. You may be able to seal it with silicone.
1967 BJ8
----- Original Message -----
From: "JACK NEWTON" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 11:59 PM
Subject: [Healeys] Battery Chemistry
>I have an unusual situation with the positive battery terminal as it
> connects to the ground cable on my recently restored BN-2. Over a few
> months the helmet terminal grows a very thick cover of bright blue-green
> corrosion (looks like mold)
> which gets up to 3/8 inch thick. I have had to clean this much off on at
> least 2 occasions. Any ideas on what could cause or prevent this? I use
> the green and red felt discs on all terminals and 3 stay clean but the
> problem persists on this one!
> Jack
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