Well I turned the filter adapter around and oil came out of the center hole.
I have now found that the oil should come out of the side hole into the oil
filter and then back to the block through the center hole. I changed the
adapter back and there is oil coming out of the side hole. I put the same old
filter back on and spun the engine then removed the filter to find it full of
oil. I don't know what the problem was but it is now working normally. I
have put a new filter on and will run it for a while then check the filter to
see if it has been filtering. Maybe there was something blocking the hole or
as you say the anti drain valve may have been stuck and I freed it up by
tapping on it or something.
Thanks for your suggestions, I have learned a little more about Healey's
George > Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 21:49:16 +0800> From:>
To:;> Subject: Re: [Healeys]
spin on oil filter with no oil in it upon removal> > George -> > Turn over the
motor with the solenoid push button and the ignition> off. Do this with the
oil filter off and see if oil spurts out. If> nothing take the adaptor off and
try again to see if oil spurts out.> Doing this will help you figure out if
there's a gasket problem or if> it's something more insidious.> > The only
other thing I can think of ids maybe you had an oil filter> with a defective
anti-drainback valve that was sealed shut. Try also> replacing the oil
filter.> > Alan>
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