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Re: [Healeys] water tap handle

To: bjcap@optonline.net, healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] water tap handle
From: "andy pole" <ampole@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 16:41:05 +0000
As you can see by the pictures mine had also been broken off by the PO. 
There was a hole but it didnt appear that the handle had been brazed or had 
a thread, I managed to find a piece of 6mm approx? brass rod at work and 
used a die for the thread and tapped out the existing hole, then rounded the 
end on a grinding wheel, took about 10 minutes (and looks ok). I quess the 
brass rod could be begged as this little amount is nothing (if you cannot 
get any, send me your address and I will get you some, might take a few days 
to come from the uk) I also replaced the spring with a bit of stainless 
It beats paying the silly money for a new one.

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