Happy New Year to all of you!
I finally found the parcel tray for my Longbridge BN4 that has been
miss-placed for a couple years...of course it was in rather plain sight
in my workroom, just under the vinyl and carpet pieces for it on a
shelf. The problem is I forgot what the mounting for it looks like. The
rear and right side flanges are obvious, but there are also three holes
in the tray and an impression in the old carpet piece that look like a
bar of some sort was placed parallel to the driveline, about a quarter
of the tray width from the left edge. Any hints on what parts I'm still
missing? (and what they attach to?)
As a side note, we took the Healey for a drive today, the latest I've
ever had it on the road. 44 degrees, dry and sunny in mid-Michigan at
the end of December is strange!
Wishing you Health and Happyness,