>From an earlier posting I had mentioned that absence of digests #1843-1846.
When Ed (63ahbj7@gmail.com)responded and suggested I check the archives I did
and found that (as of a week ago and currently) there is a gap covering the
period November 12-December 10. So that avenue of reconstruction appears
Has anyone a suggestion in retrieving or reassembling those messages? Thanks.
P.S. While I am grateful to Mark for his long-term hosting of all the list
servers, and I have monetarily contributed to that venture, I have not
previously been successful in eliciting any responses from him, on other
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 17:45:38 -0800
From: "Steve B. Gerow" <steveg@abrazosdata.com>
Subject: interim digests followup
Nobody got digests 1843-46. Heard from several who didn't get them but
no-one who has.
- --
Steve Gerow
Pasadena CA
59 BN6