Appears restorable? -- Some shops are very reluctant to tackle core
leaks on the rather odd, hard to work on round cores. Maybe you could
have the core leak tested. Otherwise, the $480 Moss unit doesn't sound
too bad. OTOH, if the other parts are needed, it might be a quite
reasonable deal as is.
Dave Russell
BN2 wrote:
> If anyone is interested, I have an entire 100 heater assembly
> including blower, mounting brackets, etc., which I will sell for
> $300.00 plus $20 shipping in the USA. It appears restorable. Let me
> know if you have any questions. Gary Hodson
> In a message dated 9/11/2006 9:44:33 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes: I'd like to purchase one. Moss is
> selling them for approx 450.00. I don't want to pay that amount.
> Does anyone have a good core they'd be willing to part with? For
> less than 450.00?