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Re: Drain tubes on Carbs again

To: "Mark and Kathy" <mgtrcars@galaxyinternet.net>
Subject: Re: Drain tubes on Carbs again
From: "Alan Seigrist Blue 100" <healey.nut@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 20:24:47 +0800
Mark -

If your car is tuned properly, you will get no leakage from these pipes.
The pipes are meant to keep pooling fuel out of the intake so that when you
start your car, the fuel doesn't get sucked on the cylinder walls... causing
them to wear prematurely.

I would just leave them alone and make sure your car is tuned properly top
to bottom.  If you are getting a large amount of fuel on your new floor,
it's isn't from these pipes, it is from the SU float bowl overflow pipes,
which every LBC is known to piss out of from time to time.


'52 A90
'53 BN1
'64 BJ8

On 9/2/06, Mark and Kathy <mgtrcars@galaxyinternet.net> wrote:
> I'm playing with my carbs this weekend and can't remember what the verdict
> was
> on this one. I went to the archives and a godzillion carb questions came
> up
> non for drain lines.
> The question is:
> Is it a good move to cap off the drain lines on the bottom of the intake
> so
> they don't pee all over my new floor.   I'm a pretty good carburetor
> tweaker
> so am pretty confident I can dial these things in again. Should I expect a
> pretty rich mixture, flooding, stalling,  or no noticeable problems?
> No other LBC. that I have owned or worked on has had these drain holes.
> Mark

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