Emily has original 'NL' (not legal) LeMans lights, and we've had no
problems, either with adequate illumination or annoyance to other drivres.
Low beams are weak compared modern systems, for which we've compensated with
SLR 576's fitted with 48W bulbs
The 576 driving lights can run about 1/2 hour without warming the generator
to a point of smelling hot. This is fantastic for runs on remote road, and
have saved us more than once from deer darting across. Unfortunately, no
matter how low or far to the right we adjustment,one out of three cars from
oncoming traffic 'flicks' us, so we don't run them in suburbia. These were
marketed as the 'Flamethrower' in the era, and live up to their nickname.
I'm investigating options of fitting a relay and cuting off through the
dimmer switch. Alternately, I could rewire them to work with a 38W/48W
double filament BPF bulb, which is still available from Holden, although the
last time I checked they do not carry the double filament bulb holders.
Allen Miller
56 100M