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Assembly order

To: Healey List <healeys@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Assembly order
From: "J. Scott Morris" <jstmorris@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 22:51:18 -0400 (EDT)
Hello Lin;  
  First, the AHCUSA club magazine is currently running a series of articles ... 
"as a general guide to doing a full frame-up restoration on an Austin-Healey."  
Installment Four is in the June 2006 issue.
  Second. if you check the British Car Specialist web site of Norman Nock at   
www.BritishcarSpecialists.com    and check out "Restorations" you will find a 
general order to do a restoration.
  Finally, Rich Chrysler provided restoration guidance material to the AHCA in 
the late 80's which was published in the Chatter [now Healey Marque] in 1987 & 
1988.  Previously, a booklet was prepared in January of 1986 which Rich updated 
in January 2004.  It provides an excellent outline for a restoration starting 
from dismantling, examination, a system of recording and catologing all parts 
and subassemblies, etc. through to completion of a restoration project.  
Although I do have a copy, I suggest Rich would be the best person to get one 
from if he has any left.  Alternatively, you could get the appropriate back 
issues of the Chatter from AHCA.  
  These are only three avenues in which to explore the restoration assembly 
order.   Members of this list will also provide their own experiences and 
suggestions of "do's & don'ts" for the restoration of your 1960 BT7.  I'm sure 
you will be swamped with ideas, lists and suggestions.  Have fun.  And 
remember, Murphy Lives, So Keep Smiling.
  --Scott Morris ['62 BT7 MkII-driver; '60 BN7 MkI-project]
    Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
  Lin Rose <linwoodrose@mac.com>  wrote:  <<  Rich,  I have read just about all 
the Healey history and restoration books including the concourse guidelines and 
I have found many of them helpful in their own particular way as I have gone 
about the restoration of my 60 BT7.   What I have not seen is a guide on a 
suggested sequence order of reassembly for the various car systems (suspension, 
brakes, engine and etc.) or even more helpful - a reassembly sequence for bits 
within systems (such electrical). I am sure that the guide would be just that, 
since I am sure that a lot of personal preference would be involved.   Are you 
aware of anything like what I have described?    What I have in mind is 
something like what you did on carpet installation for a BT7a year or two ago, 
but for the entire restoration process! >>

J. Scott Morris - Keep Smiling, Murphy Lives
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