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RE: Healey Marque Mag - damage survey please

To: "'Yellow 65BJ8'" <rnbmail@yahoo.com>,
Subject: RE: Healey Marque Mag - damage survey please
From: "Don " <don@anglesey.us>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 08:35:04 -0600
1 vote NO,
Why should the list decide what should be decided by the entire AHCA
community.  Even then my vote is no, it is a waste of money and you
still would not be guaranteed a pristine magazine.
Don 57' BN4

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-healeys@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-healeys@autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Yellow 65BJ8
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 4:20 PM
To: Reid Trummel; editor_reid@hotmail.com
Cc: List Healeys
Subject: Healey Marque Mag - damage survey please


I have been vocal on this for over a year now, and
here I am again bitching about it again.

I have the solution - heads up.....  

Run a survey on this list, and if 51% say yes in a 1
month long vote to a plastic bag wrap, and additional
cost if necessary, for the mag - that is the decision.
 Then have the folks go do it.

Please forward this mail to the rest of the Marque
managment team, so that we do not have to revisit the
'I'm just the Editor' thing again.

Come on Reid, the Editor is KING - after the customer.

Editor Robert.

Best, Robert, San Jose.

Robert - Yellow 65BJ8
Cell: 408-221-5244

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