This definitely sounds to me like someone looking for a settlement.
As a related issue to this, always make sure the cops do their job and issue
an accident report. In fact, I would even go further and suggest pushing
the officer into assigning fault (as long as it clearly was not you). I've
been caught twice now in recent years, once when a car rearended me while I
was braking hard trying to avoid a jacknifing semi in front of me on the
interstate. The lazy cop didn't ticket anyone and I fought with their
insurance company for months and months.
Recently my wife was rearended while stopped at a stop light. Minor damage
or so the cop thought. This lazy cop didn't even issue a report. There was
simply an 'exchange of information'. Well, guess what? The other driver
had no insurance and there is no such thing as minor damage on a BMW. $600
out of my pocket later, there is no trace of this driver, no report, their
address doesn't check out, nothing! Next time, if possible, I plan to call
the other driver's company on the spot to check their coverage. If it has
lapsed, I want them arrested on the spot for driving without insurance and
the car impounded. In fact, the cops should be required to do this.
Heard Saxon
Driving in Florida
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 1:42 PM
Subject: Re:Scam??
I was involved in a situation this last weekend where I "tapped" the back
end of a GMC Jimmy with my '96 Honda Accord causing no damage to either
vehicle, which the Police officer noted in his report. Yet, the occupants of
the Jimmy required on scene medical attention and an ambulance ride to the
hospital. The officer noted in conversation with me that he saw no damage
that would substantiate the occupants claims of injury. Has this happened to
anyone else and what was the outcome? I have already notified my insurance
company of the potential scam. Should I talk with their insurance company if
they call? I know the world is not always a nice place, but these people
also end of paying in the form of higher insurance rates. Thanks.