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Re: Vintage lugage rack

To: "Richard Bittmann" <edmyed@harbornet.com>
Subject: Re: Vintage lugage rack
From: "Alan Seigrist Blue 100" <healey.nut@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 10:02:57 +0800
Richard -

Do you really carry alot of luggage on it?  If not, I would get rid of it.



'53 BN1 '64 BJ8

On 4/4/06, Richard Bittmann <edmyed@harbornet.com> wrote:
> My BJ7 came with an accessory lugage rack which bolts through the trunk lid.
> The original was rusted so I'm looking for a stainless steel version to put
> back on the car.  Does anyone have a source for these racks?  I've seen them
> in the past but can't find them now.
> Richard Bittmann BJ7 Tacoma
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