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Re: Important Detail! - Ashtray Adjustment

To: "Blue One Hundred" <healey.nut@gmail.com>,
Subject: Re: Important Detail! - Ashtray Adjustment
From: "Rich C" <richchrysler@quickclic.net>
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 22:29:14 -0500
Hi all,
This reminds me of the time they had Geoff Healey ride with me in my freshly 
restored BN1. It was during the first day of the 1989 AHCA Conclave we 
hosted in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Our publicity guy for the Conclave had 
arranged for a group of us to drive from the hotel in Niagara falls to 
Buffalo, N.Y. where we were to have a 10 minute spot on Buffalo AM, a 
morning show done from their ABC Buffalo affiliate.
Anyway, it was about a 40 minute drive including expressway and city, and 
border customs, etc. Geoff and I chatted along the way and he lit up a 
couple of cigarettes during the duration of the drive, snapping open my 
clean fresh ash tray and using as it was designed for.
Of course, I said nothing about this to Geoff, happy to be able to chauffer 
him around in my car.
When we got back to the hotel and he went on his way, I parked the car and 
proceeded to remove the cigarette butts and ashes, and clean out the tray. 
Someone in a group of attendees wandering the parking lot asked who had been 
using the ash tray in my car, and when I said it was Geoff, there was an 
immediate scramble for those butts and ashes! I couldn't believe it!
"You're not really going to throw those away are you?" I was asked.
Yes, I replied.
Jeez, can I have them????

One of those moments I'll never forget.

Actually if you go onto the Justbrits website, there are pictures of the 
Conclave 1989 with Geoff both in my car and being interviewed that morning 
in Buffalo. Gosh, I didn't even have any gray yet!

Rich Chrysler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Blue One Hundred" <healey.nut@gmail.com>
To: "john close" <f9cougar@yahoo.com>
Cc: <healeys@autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: Important Detail! - Ashtray Adjustment

> John -
> I'm curious, do you put coins in it?  Or is it full of cancer-stick
> remnants?
> Alan
> '53 BN1 '64 BJ8

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