Steve -
Did your wife yell at you for getting dirty car grease on the kitchen
counter? ;-)
Looks awesome, thanks for sharing that with us...
'53 BN1 '64 BJ8
On 11/27/05, Steve B. Gerow <> wrote:
> FWIW--I just built an adjustable caliper that makes possible accurate
> toe-in
> adjustment without any jacking of the car.
> The factory manual calls for measuring the toe-in in the center of the
> sidewall at the front and rear of the tire. This caliper makes it easy to
> do
> so.
> It's made from a 48" adjustable shelf rail, 3 pieces of scrap flat
> aluminum,
> a turnbuckle and 2 pieces of scrap wood.
> I've posted pictures on my gallery at
> then click the picture that says "Healey Tech" and you'll see pictures of
> the caliper on our kitchen counter (doubles as photo studio).
> The right side is fixed and the left side is adjustable with the
> turnbuckle.
> When you adjust the caliper to touch the tire on both sides in the center
> of
> the sidewall, you then remove the caliper and measure the distance between
> the two tips with a tape measure. I did this and found my toe-in to be
> 1/4"!
> The distance at the front was 43-3/16" and at the back 43-7/16". Therefore
> the front needed to be adjusted to a little over 43-1/4" to bring the back
> down to a little under 43-3/8".
> The caliper is rigid enough to reset it to the proper distance, then use
> as
> a guide to adjust the tie rod until the toe-in is correct.
> BTW--viewed from underneath, the tie rod adjuster nuts loosen on both
> sides
> by rotating toward the front of the car.
> --
> Steve Gerow
> Pasadena CA
> 59 BN6