You could be making your "centre-tight" adjustment while the swivel arm with
its peg is not actually in the correct centre position on the worm.
The tie-rod, being the only adjustment, could be pointing your wheels straight
ahead for you, but it could at the same time be compensating for a steering
drop arm that is pointing in a slightly off-center direction. The only way to
check this is to remove the lid and make sure the cam with its pressed-in peg
is exactly at right angles to the column. Check by measuring turns lock to
lock. Then you adjust the disconnected tie rod to meet the now centered
steering arm for a base position for toe-in adjustment.
You could be falsely influenced by where you've put your steering wheel onto
the column, "wanting" it to be straight in that position.
Check the peg itself for a flat spot, and the worm for a groove. The peg
could be welded or Stellited and ground, but its better to replace it with one
in better shape. Of course the kingpins, box and idler bushings and steering
joints should be free of play.
Front shim adjustment on the box should be done BEFORE jamming the peg further
into the worm.
One inch at the rim of a 26 inch wheel on this type of box is really not that
bad. The British MOT allows two inches to pass a safety, I think. We're all
just spoiled by our modern rack & pinions.
Best regards