I recently purchased a complete set of wiring harnesses from British Wiring
for my 1964, BJ8, Phase 1, HBJ8L25869.
What I received is actually for the early Phase 2 cars with single indicator
lights. I.E. 26705 thru 31335, see page 149 of Restoration Guide by Anderson &
Moment. British Wiring agrees with me, but does not offer a harness for the
Phase 1 cars. They indicate that the actual electrical differences are minor &
I tend to agree based on my initial inspection of the two.
My questions are:
Is there a supplier of the correct harness?
Has anyone actually used the harness I received on a phase 1 car & can tell
me if it is electrically interchangeable & relatively easy to modify where
I know the trace pattern is different.
Gary Hodson