In order to use Magnetic Particle testing the material needs to be ferrous
material (magnetic) When a discontinuity (crack) is located between 2 magnets
the is an interuption in the magnetic flux path. This can be seen with colored
iron powder lightly deposited in the area between the 2 magnets. For non-
ferrous material get a Dye Penetrant Kit. A good welding supply house may have
it. Three spray cans, cleaner, dye and developer
or contrast. Surfaces need to be relatively smooth though.
Tim Davis BN7
> I've been to the Magnaflux web site, which has told me that that
> Magnaflux is an analysis method for defects in metals, not a defect
> 'fixer' (which is what I once thought it was).
> But what do you guys do (or have done) when you 'magnaflux' things like
> fan blades? Is this a DIY (dye) test, or do you send the components away
> to be magnetised, etc?
> Supplementary question ... if Magnaflux finds a problem with fan blades,
> what do you do about it? Dump them, strengthen them, or something else?
> Hoping to be wiser on this shortly! Now I've got my fan blades out, and
> cleaned of paint, I'd like to 'do the right thing' before I repaint
> them.
> Regards
> --
> Alan F Cross (BJ8 "Ginny")