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Re: Axle noise?

To: ggilliam@usol.com
Subject: Re: Axle noise?
From: Dave & M <rusd@velocitus.net>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 14:42:03 -0600
Hi Gordy,

I guess I would check first for exhaust system contact with the body/frame.

Dave Russell

ggilliam@usol.com wrote:
> Listeners,
>   I am experiencing a noise during acceleration on the newly-returned-
> to-the-road BN4-47704, seemingly from the right side rear wheel in 
> first and second gears. No apparent loss of speed (accel) during the 
> noise, but it is there until I back off the throttle. It sounds like 
> something interferring or a spline skipping, but I can't see anything. I 
> have witness marks on the hub, wheel and knock-off, and there's no 
> motion there. No fender rub to be seen.
>   With the rear seat out, I can see some windup of the axle \ leaf 
> spring during acceleration, but it's kinda hard to watch that and drive 
> at the same time. Jacking up both rear axles at the spring pads and 
> running through the gears provides no noise at all.
>   It's a very unpleasant sound, and I hesitate to drive it much until I 
> can identify it, so I'm asking for ideas.
>  Regards,
> Gordy

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