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E-bay Healey problem

To: <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: E-bay Healey problem
From: "Greg Lemon" <glemon@neb.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:37:40 -0500
Is it just me? or when you go from E-bay motors Home and want to browse
vehicles by make, pick Austin Healey and it takes you to the e-bay index of
everything page, haven't been able to look at Healeys for sale, (other than
by doing a text search where you get all the parts too)  for days.

Totally unrelated subject, but the epoxy primer just went on the BN1 today,
looks pretty good, but dull primer is much more forgiving that shine new
paint. Should be ready for top coat this week, yippee!

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