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RE: accelerator pedal shaft

To: "'BJ8Healeys'" <sbyers@ec.rr.com>,
Subject: RE: accelerator pedal shaft
From: "rjhco" <rjh@hockertlaw.us>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 19:25:04 -0500

I removed the pedal shaft bushes two weeks ago.  One of the bushes had
turned to goo (the one next to the bell housing with all the heat).  The
bush on the other end was almost like new.  The mystery component is a
rubber bush that surrounds the sintered brass oil-lite bush and holds the
assembly tight in the metal cup. I replaced the rubber piece with a nylon
bush that I fabricated on a lathe.  My reason was to eliminate play in the
pedal shaft.  Very easy to make.  Maybe one of the specialty purveyors on
the list will make a run of nylon inserts.

Best regards,
Jim Hockert
BJ8 Rallye
Dallas, TX

  remember when disassembling the bronze bushes and housings that there was
  kind of "gunk" between the cup and bush which with difficulty I removed.
  parts list and catalogs refer to the "bush & housing assembly" which is
  naturally NA.

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