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Re: Enquirey??

To: "WebmasterRick" <WebmasterRick@comcast.net>,
Subject: Re: Enquirey??
From: "Greg Lemon" <glemon@neb.rr.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 20:22:14 -0600
Ed, Rick etc.

As far as the issue about driving the car 300 miles, while I understand the
point being made by Ed there are many cars out there that seem to have been
restored but not sorted out.

I remember reading a comment in one of the first issues of Classic
Motorsports (I think from the now editor of the magaizine) that he could
certainly enjoy restoring cars, but didn't have the time to sort them out
when the restoration was done.  Now in that particular case I think the car
needed quite a bit of sorting like the engine being taken back out and
worked on etc.  But in our cars many times the sorting relates to electrical
and carburation work, or just driving around a little (or a lot) and seeing
that everything is going OK.

Pesronally the sorting out and making sure everything works right is the fun
part in my opinion, but to each his own.

Anyway the car could be restored to a decent standard and worth the money as
far as bodywork and mechanical, but if the restorer/previous owner/vendor
didn't take the time to drive the car and work out whatever gremlins are in
there the advice about driving 300 miles is understandable.  Not saying this
is the case, but it is a very plausible explanation (for the optimist, the
pessimist could come up with other theories... )

my 2 cents.

Greg Lemon
54 BN1
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