Just passing along a Press Release from the organizers...
The 30th annual Healey Rendezvous is approaching and
will be hosted by the Austin Healey Club of Oregon
July 11-15, 2005 in Klamath Falls, Oregon. To many,
the Healey Rendezvous is an opportunity to catch up
with the latest issues, and to learn about new
products and restoration techniques. To many others,
its a place to make new friends, greet old ones, and
generally to be a part of the many great Healey
Rendezvous activities. Some of the more popular
activities at the Rendezvous are the Ice Breaker
Party, the Popular Car Show, the Observation Rally,
and the Auction.
To help ensure a good turn-out, the Rendezvous
Committee is trying to hold down costs to attendees.
One way to do this is to continue the sponsorship
program started in 2003 at the Rendezvous in Eureka,
California, wherein vendors and interested individuals
sponsored a Car Show class award ($50 donation), the
Observation Rally ($100 donation), or co-sponsored the
Ice Breaker Party ($250 donation).
Another effective way to support the Healey Rendezvous
is to contribute merchandise to the auction that will
be held on Thursday evening of the event.
The money raised through these sponsorships and the
auction is used to help defray the costs of the
various activities and awards. Sponsoring one of the
awards, one of the events, or contributing merchandise
to the auction is great way to support Rendezvous 2005
and to gain the appreciation of all the participants.
Its a minor investment that will help to make
Rendezvous 2005 a big success.
If you are interested in supporting Rendezvous
activities, please call Rendezvous Chairman Gary
Jackson at (541) 923-9766, or you may send your
sponsorship donations and/or auction merchandise
directly to the addresses below. Please make any
checks payable to the Austin Healey Club of Oregon.
Award and Event Sponsorships:
Allen Gross, Rendezvous Treasurer
8217 NE 71st Street
Vancouver WA 98662
(360) 254-4527
Auction Merchandise:
Skip Monaco
7710 SW 89th Street
Portland OR 97223
(503) 245-0174
Thank you for your support! We hope to see you at the
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