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Re: bump steer

To: jarowe@westnet.com.au, healeys@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: bump steer
From: Drtrite@aol.com
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 09:27:08 EST
In a message dated 2/2/05 6:08:54 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
jarowe@westnet.com.au writes:
Had anyone had any success in removing the bump steer from a 3000?

>From researching the literature on bump steer and inspecting the geometry of
my car there appears to be a great amount of work to do to correct it.

Hi John,
A fellow member (Chris Kellner) of the North Texas AH Club has done some 
work, with the  help of the late Eddy Miller, on this very problem. You can 
pics of his car on the ntahc.org web site under members cars. You can also look 
under officers for his e-mail address. 

There was a great article on his rally car in the AHCUSA,  Austin Healey 
Magazine about 2 months ago.

Don Lenschow

The right place for Healey information.

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