Sounds like an ignition problem to me. Probably nothing serious unless the
backfiring damaged the exhaust system.
Bill Lawrence
On 12/19/04 10:47 AM, "Brent Barnes" <> wrote:
> List,
> Last evening, I was taking her down to the climatized warehouse for a winter
> nap...about 5 miles into the 30 mile trip, doing about 65 (top down, about 30
> degrees, but hey!), when BANG! BANG! coupla huge backfires, big cloud of oil
> smoke and then nothing. Engine would turn over on the starter but would not
> fire at all. No oil on the rear, no oil under the hood, lots of oil on the
> dipstick. Three hours and three flatbeds later, she's at least enclosed. Ideas
> anyone? I guess I'm also looking for a good engine doc in the Northeast....
> Brent Barnes
> (wuz a) 60 BT7 MK1
> Garden State