Mr. Martin
While I can tolerate many things, listening to (in this case reading) someone
rewrite history always seems to get under my skin. The use of the term 100-4 or
100/4 for the early Austin Healey, BN1 and BN2 cars is not appropriate or
correct. What is the problem with identifying the early cars as a 100 and the
first generation six cylinder cars as the 100-SIX? This is adequate distinction
in moniker for the two models and will not cause a problem for the readers of
your magazine that have the slightest idea of the difference between LBC's.
Besides if you had your Healey folklore correct you would know the everyone in
the world has owned an Austin Healey before. Ask anyone and they will tell you
that their brother, uncle, Great Aunt Myrtle, friend in college or the guy
around the corner used to own one. At the rate the Austin Healey must have been
the most bought and sold car in the world. Not bad for 40k+/- units.
Have a nice day and....
Perry Small
Kailua, Hawaii
Participate in Democracy.
"In the end, we will not so much remember the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King, Jr.