When I cleaned off my pulley recently I discovered a small v shaped notch
that was hidden under paint and dirt. The TDC notch was a square cut. Try
cleaning all the paint and dirt and you might just find that other notch.
> I got out my trusty timing light today in preparation for timing the BT7
> there doesn't seem to be any marks on the wheel except the TDC mark. I
> that it is supposed to be set at 15 deg. at speed and 10 deg at 600 RPM
> with no marks to go by, I am confused. Were there marks that have been
> over the years or were they never there and I am supposed to guess. Thanks
> any advice forthcoming. Cheers, JL
> James Lea Pres.
> Rockport Me. 04856
> 1962 BT7 II