The key word is "sloshed" the tank. I think the sloshing nearly sealed
the screen on the pickup tube inside the tank. This happened to me
during my restoration. Wound up cut the pickup tube out of the tank and
replaceing the screen with fine stainless steel mesh farmers use in
their agricultural sprayers. To test for this, disconnect the fuel line
at the carbs and turn the ignition switch on. There should be nearly a
continuous stream of fuel coming out the line. Careful to catch the
fuel. Maybe install a clear tube and run to a gas can. If the stream
disappears or appears to slow down, I would say for sure you have a
plugged fuel pickup.
Alan Schultz
'67 BJ8
> I did have the tank cleaned up and "sloshed" with sealant early on in the
>(before I found out this was a bad idea). Could the "sloshing" have gummed up
>the fuel pickup in the tank? Would this cause the problem I'm describing?
>Mick Vander Ploeg
>'57 BN4