Hey James,
There is a mechanism for overflow on the 100-4 (Non-M) carb setup. Its just
that top brass nut on the bowl. It is designed to vent pressure and excess
gas. The M design has the banjo connection, so that any leakage from overfill
will go down past the hot manifold. I'm sure that this connection is working
properly, in your case. If the vent was blocked you would not be able to fill
the bowls up and the gas would continually flow into the carb through the
jets. Gas (Air actually) has to escape through the top fitting in order for
the fuel to displace the air in the bowl and reach the level to have the float
hit the shutoff valve and stop gas from flowing through the system.
I guess in a strange situation, I might imagine the excessive heat causing a
grommet or washer in that top fitting to swell and possible restrict the
leakage. I don't think there should be any soft sealing washer in this
position. I think there is supposed to be an aluminum washer there.
Also check the drain lines in your intake manifold. They should allow any
excess fuel that does get into your carbs to leak out before getting into the
cylinders. That would be baaaad...
Rick Neves
'56 BN-2
----- Original Message -----
From: James Shope
To: healeys
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 11:52 PM
Subject: carb problem on 100-4
need some more help from you 100 guys. i have become the resident mechanic
the only 100-4 in our car club. i had mentioned the problem we had on the
day of the rally. the motor kept loading up and lots of black smoke. a
better heat shield was mentioned a a possible cure. if fabricated on and
it on and also cleaned and reset the carbs, making them little bit more
the car ran great until the temp got to above 190 on the guage and OAT here
vegas was about 87degrees. went into home depot and when i came out the
would hardly run for about 30-45 seconds then finally smoothed out.
again at next stop. went directly home and fiddled around a bit with
as it seemed as if it was flooding or possibly too lean as it would misfire
and backfire until smoothing out. when cleaning the carbs i had noticed
there was no vent system or overflow tube for the carbs and just figured
someone forgot to put them back on. however, my book and the moss catalog
not show an overflow tube for the carbs, only for a 100-M. i am wondering
possibly the heat under the hood is forcing the fuel into the manifolds
it can't expand and overflow out the top when it get really hot under the
hood. could i be on the right track here or should i start looking at
something else. any help will be appreciated. healeymanjim
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