I don't really understand the question. What, in your definition, is the
difference between discs & rotors? You must not mean the hats because
they are not usually turned. If you are talking of one piece rotors &
you want the hats (hubs) zinc & the rotors bare, the zinc might be ok.
But so would paint. Guess I'm a little dense.
If you want a temporary coating to prevent rust before machining, a
light coat of paint or oil would work. If you intend to leave the zinc
on the friction surfaces, it has a different friction coefficient than
the original metal, & it likely won't work very well or stay on very long.
Zinc won't take much heat withour burning off (oxidizing) & the fumes
are rather toxic.
Headers & manifolds can be plasma sprayed with aluminum. It withstands
high heat & looks pretty good.
In confusion,
Dave Russell
Big Sixer wrote:
> I have new discs on the car, but here on the east coast, all bare metal rusts
> in the humidity. I want to know if it would be a problem if I zinc plated the
> discs, AND THEN HAVE THE ROTORS TURNED. -caps so I don't appear to be a
> complete idiot :)
> If I just turn off a very thin slice to remove the plating will I be back to
> the original metal quality? Does the process cause any damage to the disc?
> What will heat do to the zinc coating?
> Can I zinc plate my exhaust manifold???
> Just wondering...
> Ryan
> BJ7