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Re: Roll Bars and Scarfs

To: <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Roll Bars and Scarfs
From: "Dallas Congleton" <dcong996@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 13:04:57 -0400
The dancer that was killed by a scarf was an American named Isodora Duncan -
here is more than you
wanted to know-

PARIS, FRANCE - Isadora Duncan, the American dancer, tonight met a tragic
death at Nice on the Riviera. According to dispatches from Nice Miss Duncan
was hurled in an extraordinary manner from an open automobile in which she
was riding and instantly killed by the force of her fall to the stone

Affecting, as was her habit, an unusual costume, Miss Duncan was wearing an
immense iridescent silk scarf wrapped about her neck and streaming in long
folds, part of which was swathed about her body with part trailing behind.
After an evening walk along the Promenade de Anglais about 10 o'clock, she
entered an open rented car, directing the driver to take her to the hotel
where she was staying.
  Neither she nor the driver noticed one of her scarf's loose ends was over
the side of the car - caught in the rear wheel.

As she took her seat in the car neither she nor the driver noticed that one
of the loose ends fell outside over the side of the car and was caught in
the rear wheel of the machine.

Dragged Bodily From the Car.
The automobile was going at full speed when the scarf of strong silk
suddenly began winding around the wheel and with terrific force dragged Miss
Duncan, around whom it was securely wrapped, bodily over the side of the
car, precipitating her with violence against the cobblestone street. She was
dragged for several yards before the chauffeur halted, attracted by her
cries in the street.

Medical aid immediately was summoned, but it was stated that she had been
strangled and killed instantly.

This end to a life full of many pathetic episodes was received as a great
shock in France, where, despite her numerous eccentric traits, Miss Duncan
was regarded as a great artist. Her great popularity in France was increased
by the entire nation's sympathy when in 1913 her two young children also
perished in an automobile tragedy. The car in which they had been left
seated started, driverless, down a hill and plunged over a bridge into the
Seine River. [The article continues.]

Copyright ) New York Times, Sep 15, 1927

Dallas Congleton
1953 MGTD2
1967 Austin Healey 3000 MarkIII

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