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Speedo angle drive

To: <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Speedo angle drive
From: "Peter Linn" <greylinn@ozemail.com.au>
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2004 19:37:07 +1000
G'day listers

I'm in the middle of a cumulative disaster (not uncommon for me) - started
with having the speedo recalibrated to suit the 3.54 diff. Speedo shop said it
looked like the cable was too long and causing problems at the speedo head.
Took 1/8in off gearbox end - no difference. Proved to be the square section
was too big to go into angle drive. Shaved this but then no drive at all.
Assumed too much taken off so ordered new one from Healey Factory.  When it
arrived it proved the wrong one - small nut on gearbox end. Discover that
although I have a BN1 3 speed, the angle drive's a BN2 (large knurled nut)
Returned this only to get similar but slightly longer one in return - this
time Healey Factory's mistake, & no BN2 ones in stock. Managed to get a new
inner cable made locally, installed and all appeared OK, but - still no drive.
Checked visually that angle drive turning, but, when cable inserted, no drive.
I assume non-meshing or stripped gear in angle drive.

Can anyone give me any guidance here? Are these angle drives susceptible to
failure? Are there any "whatever you do don't...." 's? (If so, I've probably
done it!)

I have a replacement angle drive on order (A$120.00) but I wonder if again I'm
barking up the wrong tree.

Peter Linn
BN1 Ward Special

PS How does the angle drive detach from the overdrive?

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