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Re: Sample Rate Failure! Every time!

Subject: Re: Sample Rate Failure! Every time!
From: Todd Green <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 11:14:18 -0700
>The more recent versions of the software (from the last year or so) have
>been optimized to stabilize sample rate.  But in doing so, they use more
>CPU power.

This could be the case, but in essense you are just reading a serial
port and writing some values out to memory.  GEEZ isn't doing any
serious analysis during recording (other than the autostart/stop
functions, timer management, and a bit of data massaging.)  I've not
tested anything older than a PalmIII with PalmOS 3.0, but it was able to
drive the cube @ 60+ samples/sec.  Anything newer than that can drive the
cube faster than the cube can report values. ;-)

Have you tested other serial apps to make sure you don't have an problem
with the palm itself?  Do you have anyone else in your area so that you
can put your cube on their palm and/or their cube on your palm?

What are you battery levels like in the palm and the cube?  Have you
tested the serial cable to another device? etc.

I think I remember Byron also saying that CASL gets unhappy about
allocating memory if your Palm's memory is near full.  How much free
space do you have left?  Do you have any hacks loaded?


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