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Re: Leaving G-Cube in my car all the time

To: "Thomas C. Smith" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Leaving G-Cube in my car all the time
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2002 09:58:32 -0400
At 08:37 AM 6/8/2002 -0400, Thomas C. Smith wrote:
>I've been leaving my G-Cube in my car in between events over the last year.
>Since I'm only driving it a couple of times a week durning the summer months
>I didn't think much about it.  Recently though I thought am I cuasing any
>kind of damage or extra wear on the internals from all of the vibrations it
>must be going through as a hit different road bumps? Anybody have a
>definitive answer?


No definitive answer . . . but I use mine in a formula ford on very bumpy 
sites with no problems so far in several years of autocrossing with it.

Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen FF

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