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Re: Geez data from Nationals

To: "Ron Katona" <>
Subject: Re: Geez data from Nationals
From: "Byron Short" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 10:50:22 -0700
I'd like to compile a Nats2001 Zip file that has any runs
that folks have available on it.  I'll be putting my runs,
Yvonne's runs, and Peter Raymond's runs on it, and will
gladly put on any and all other submissions.  Once it's
ready I can either put it up on the website (time
permitting) or just e-mail it to those interested.

If you want your runs included, follow these steps:

1.  Name the runs with 5 chars from your name + a dash + the
course (S)outh or (N)orth, + the run number.  For instance,
BYRON-S2 is Byron, South Course, Run 2, and YVONN-N1 would
be Yvonne, North Course, Run 1.  

2.  Be sure the run is adjusted, trimmed, and marked with
the proper Diary data.  Put the proper car, driver and tire
information into the Race Diary.  You can set it to any
color scheme and chart selection you like, as those who view
the runs will likely alter these items.  

3.  Be sure to include the *.GCD and the *.INI files for
each run.  I recommend sending all three of your runs, as we
know that GEEZ teaches us just as much (if not more) from
our less than pretty runs.  If you have comments you would
like to make on the run, put them in the Race Diary page.

Send them to me at, and I'll put them all
together into a ZIP file for easy distribution.  When you
send them to me it's preferable to zip them as well, but not


Ron Katona wrote:
> Wally, not FS, but I do have three runs in SM on the South course and
> would be interested in comparing with you or anyone else who's
> interested.
> --
> Ron Katona
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wally Strzelec" <>
> > I would like to view/compare/swap some geez runs from someone else in
> FS
> > from this years South course.
> >
> > Let me know.
> >
> > - Wally Strzelec
> >

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