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Re: Looking for Extreme Geez users schools

To: "Tony McGrath" <>
Subject: Re: Looking for Extreme Geez users schools
From: "Byron Short" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 07:59:42 -0700
Oddly enough we've just had several inquiries about GEEZ
schools, at the same time that we've had to cancel one for
lack of actual paying customers...

The school scheduled for the week prior to the Bremerton
National Tour is officially off.  Sorry to all, it's just
that we had lots of folks who were interested (which is why
we scheduled it), but not *quite* interested enough to sign
up.  Hey that's okay, we'll try again next year, and
advertise it a bit better.

Regarding the north east and houston, the two areas that we
have inquiries into right now, hey anything's possible! 
Keep in mind that we did a GEEZ school in Philadelphia in
April, and we plan on another next year around the same
time.  Houston would be great, we just need to schedule it
when it will fit, and be sure that we sign up at least 6
folks for it!  

THANKS for the interest, and we'll keep you posted!


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