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Re: Using Geez between runs

Subject: Re: Using Geez between runs
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 08:01:10 -0700 wrote:
> Yes, my wife and I use the PALM to store our runs. I keep my laptop booted up
> in the GEEZ software at the grid space. Right after the run, we pull the
> palm, drop it in the cradle and download the run, it takes a minute or so. I
> put the palm back in the car, so it is all set for the next run.


> My screen is not great out in the sun, so the color maps don't help too much.

There's a kinda funny picture of Gary on the SCCA Web site
showing him peering under an umbrella at his laptop between
runs.  Gary, do you have the details on the URL or the page
it's on?  I've been to it and seen it but it was some time

> I bring up the stats, instant page, and look the corner entry and exit
> speeds, and also useage at many parts of the course. My wife and I compare
> runs to see where one of us is faster or at higher usage, and try to work on
> those areas. I have found she has higher speeds than me in many places,
> usually corner entry, but I had higher useage at the corner exit with higher
> acceleration sooner. Looking over the data, we can combine where we both were
> fast and it certainly helps.

I usually don't look between runs, but when I do I'm usually
looking for something in particular.  Maybe examining one
turn to see if I think it should be in 2nd gear or 1st gear
(using the tach gage), or just looking at my stats to see if
I'm driving aggressively enough, a common problem of mine.  

If I'm looking for just some unknown weak spot, I'll pull up
the Usage color scheme and look for the biggest red spot.  I
know that a lot of new GEEZ users will just look at the
red-green map and see how early they are on the gas at the
exit of each turn.  This seems to be a most common benefit
for new users.

> When we are not swapping drivers, like at Nationals, we look where our useage
> is bad, and try to figure out why. I find I chicken out into corners very
> often and take off too much speed. Having GEEZ slap you in the face with the
> truth can make you fix those areas.

If you'll strap it down better, it won't slap you in the
face!  Oh, wait, maybe that's not what you mean...    ;-)


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