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Re: Multi-Lap GEEZ Software now shipping

To: "Byron Short" <>,
Subject: Re: Multi-Lap GEEZ Software now shipping
From: Brian M Kennedy <>
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 14:15:45 -0600
At 11:52 PM 2/3/01, Byron Short wrote:
>We are happy (thrilled would be more like it) to announce
>that the multi-lap version of GEEZ is now shipping!

Cool... just in time.

>This version wipes out the old 6-minute barrier, and now
>lets you record runs of up to 25 minutes on your Palm and
>download them into GEEZ.


         Anyone know how much memory space that 25 minutes
         of data will consume?

(I don't have any data on my Palm right now to try to
extrapolate from... I never really paid attention to memory

I just retired my wife's old Palm Pilot Pro... I was
considering dedicating it for Geez use.  But with only 1MB,
I wonder how much data it will hold.

>  Once there, GEEZ will help you set
>up the file as multiple laps so you can easily page through
>the laps, and compare several laps from the same run to each

Does it have any features to utilize the fact that its doing
multiple laps to auto-adjust the map to get them to line up?
That would seem to be possible, though perhaps not particularly
easy.  Just wondering.

>   E-mail on this trip
>may be sporadic as I'll be driving pretty much all the

Hope you're having fun?


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