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Interesting findings

Subject: Interesting findings
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 02:27:06 EDT
I have found an interesting occurance in our Geez runs. My wife and I are 
running the same car with the same setup, same Geez calibration and all, and 
we swap who runs first and second so that takes dying battery out of it. Sara 
(my wife) shows higher corner entry speeds in many cases, but even though my 
speed never goes above hers in the corner, I complete the corner faster. 

Now I could understand a few corners where a wide pushing line could do this, 
but it has shown up in many corners where I doubt that is happening. I think 
I am getting the car rotated faster, but it is hard to tell from the data or 
map. Looking at our biggest spread in times for a clean fastest run of the 
day, I gained about 3/10's on virtually every corner to get just about 2 
seconds ahead at the end of the run. Sara was faster at the entrance, braked 
at a higher G level, but didn't fall below my speed for more than 1 or 2 
/10's. Cornering Gees both held close to 1.2, but I got the car straight much 
sooner, obviously taking a different line out, but her speed was right with 
mine (or even higher again) at the start of the next braking zone. 

What makes it a bit more puzzling is that she also has higher smoothness, and 
lower aggressivness. I run several points higher on the overall rating. 

As far as where I need to improve, it is obvious I never trust the brakes 
enough, my useage falls under 80% right in the braking zone for each corner. 
I coast in to set up the car. I never top .8G braking, and only sustain .5 to 
.6 braking.

I have not had a chance to compare to faster runs than mine to know for shure 
where I am losing time. I feel some of the low usage areas I am leaving are 
inevitable but I could be wrong. 

Gary M.

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