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Calibration and flipping data?

Subject: Calibration and flipping data?
From: "Darren P. Madams" <>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 15:18:11 -0800
I think I may have figured out what our problem was on sunday.

First: when you calibrate, are you supposed to put the cube down on each 
edge (including the front and the back)?  They're all sloped inward.  Or 
are you supposed to put the bottom up against a wall or something and make 
it a perfect 90 degree angle?

The problem we have (and I think what caused our autostart to goof) was 
that we were getting crazy high acceleration numbers (peak 1.16g) and no 
deceleration (peak .33g).  Not likely in an MR-2, methinks... even it it 
was Brian Priebe! :)  Peak Left was 1.27g and peak right was 1.17... 
sustained was 1.12 and .99 respetively so almost believable.

I'm thinking that maybe I reversed the top and bottom part of the 
calibration... so accel geez are coming in as decel?

The course started out with a not too hard acceleration into a tight right 
left 90 degree kink where the lights were.  It seems to me that the data 
starts being collected right at the braking point for that turn which would 
support that theory.

Any way to flip the data around to see if that was indeed the problem?


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