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Re: Philly Geez School

Subject: Re: Philly Geez School
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 15:34:11 EST
To respond to what you are looking for in the ways of schools and what is 
what with the GEEZ!:

The Dial In School test and tune is that what it states-a big test and tune, 
with GEEZ! there to use, plus the segment timing, plus some very "in the 
know" instructors.  They will be there for riding, driving, watching, asking 
, helping with the GEEZ! whatever you want to do.  If you want some advice on 
the car, driving etc...they will be able to maybe offer some advice, drive 
and see what they can feel/get with the is intended to help/make 
suggestions/try to dial in the car.  What may feel the best, may not actually 
be the fastest and maybe a right foot braker can get more out of the car set 
some way..these are will allow you to make changes to your car 
and maybe feel what toe in vs. toe out is....or is stiff or soft shocks the 
way to go, which one do you drive better...what does camber feel like?  And 
for Neon owners learning to feel when the camber has slipped and why they all 
carry around spare you get more out of your car with pressures 
high in the rear or less...where do you gain when yuou make changes-and lose? 
  That's what the test and tune is.  From the likes of Daddio, Strelneiks, 
Priebe, John Thomas, Strano, Sapp and yes, we have added for this school Dan 
Popp and Guy Ankney to combine with the already cast of characters who 
teach...these guys will give their best advice opinion, they can drive...yu 
can download your run to an instructors with the GEEZ!   This is the 
intent...many of these guys will be taking their learning experiences and 
sharing them....So, mod, prepared guys your are invited if you want to.  Most 
of you might want to bring a pit person to help work on the car and make some 
changes...The GEEZ! school is exactly that-a GEEZ! school on it, how to use 
it, how to read it...very intense.  Half classroom, and half track.   Byron's 
presentation at Nationals was great from what Priebe and Strelneiks and 
Daddio had to say...guess it showed in their results.  That is Byron's baby 
with us helping...he will call where he wants to have these at...the clubs 
putting on Evolution schools will make the call on what they would like to 
have by imput from interested people...then I will see who is available to go 
and if we can do it.

I think both these schools are going to add a whole new chapter to this sport 
and get the competition even tighter!  Mark Daddio has said many a time to me 
that a person can be so much faster by learning about the car and about set last years results, I think he may be on to something.

Jean Kinser
Owner/Co-Founder Evolution Performance Driving School-McKamey Autocross 

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